Friday 30 December 2016



          Once  there  lived  a  boy named Stuart Williams and a girl named Evangeline Willliams.Their parents died in earthquake. 10 years old Evangeline and 11 years old Stuart also injured badly. But rescue team saved them. They didn’t want to go foster home so they ran away and took refuge in park. One day Stuart heard  man, talking about some kind of treasure.He told this to Evangeline that the man is talking about the treasure in the locker and he also said that he cant open it because it did not have the lock it has 8 letter code. They also want to see it so children chased him. Man got the sense of being chased.  With  a blink of eye, he turned around and saw them. Both started to run but they were caught by the man. Man hit them and made them unconscious.   
            When they regain conscious they found themselves tied in the room. Stuart thought that this must be a place where treasure is hidden. After a while man came and asked from Stuart:
 “Who are you? Did you heard anything?”
Stuart did not say anything.Man became furious and started to torture him
& Evangeline and  again made them to lose conscious.
            Next morning when both brother and sister woke up Stuart saw the piece of glass. He took it and cut his ropes and untied himself & Evangeline. They came out and hid  behind the door of the next section.Man came & started to shout “Children ran away. Ronnie, Howie they ran away” . The moment other 2 entered in the room Stuart came out and locked them from outside.
Stuart and Eva went to search the treasure locker.He thought, that room must be guarded with guards, when they looked down from the railing they saw a room in the last floor.
            While he was going down to the basement, he found clothes. He took them and put them on then they went down. Evangeline hid herself behind the machines and as Sturat was wearing the clothes like the guard, he said to them “Master is calling you two. Master appointed me two days ago as secret keeper”. By hearing that they rushed toward master. Stuart knew that they were going to open the room in which their master is locked So Evangeline and Stuart entered and locked the treasure room from inside, then first thing is to find a mobile to call the police. Evangeline found the mobile & called police meanwhile stuart read the words on the treasure locker UNDER THE GROUND IN THE MILL Suddenly his eyes began to sparkle, it seemed like he knew the code. But those guys reached them they broke the door. The man who kidnapped them is ready to pull trigger but Thanks to police they reached there on the time and arrested kidnappers.Policeman said that “We searched this treasure for years and now by their help we find it, but how on earth are we going to open it” Stuart said I know the code. It was 8 lettred the words on the locker. They read the words UNDER THE GROUND IN THE MILL & said we don’t know what is this. He said look
UNDER – 5  words
THE -3  words
GROUND – 6  words
IN- 2  wordsTHE – 3 words
MILL- 4 words
But the policeman said what about the other 2 letters Stuart said UNDER THE GROUNDis basement means zero floor so next word is 0
And in the last there is the serial number of treasure room i.e.7
So the code is 53623407.

The policeman used the code and locker opened. After a week government awarded a prize of $50000 to them. They built foster home, a free school & now they are living their life happily.  THE END

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