Tuesday 3 January 2017

Evolution of News in Broadcast

Radio news is similar to television news but is transmitted through the medium of the radio. It is based on the audio aspect rather than the visual aspect.  Radio news broadcasts can range from as little as a minute to as much as the station's entire schedule, such as the case of all-news radio, or talk radio. Stations dedicated to news or talk content will often feature newscasts, or bulletins, usually at the top of the hour, usually between three and eight minutes in length. They can be a mix of local, national and international news, as well as sport, entertainment, weather and traffic reports, or they may be incorporated into separate bulletins.
Radio made its debut years before World War I — it was often used by ships transmitting messages via Morse code, and in 1912, operators on the Titanic depended on radio to communicate with other ships and with onshore radio stations. Yet the possibility that the disaster might have been prevented had radio been used correctly intrigued both commissions, and radio operators from the Titanic and other ships.  radio was widely used on land, sea and in the air during WWI. However, the longwave wireless sets were fragile, heavy and expensive. When the British government acquired the Marconi Company telecommunications and engineering company, it focused the firm to develop radio for wartime use. This led to radio kits being made more portable and voice to be transmitted along with code, effectively evolving the way radio was used.
Like radio, TV is a universal medium, installed in about 99 percent of all US homes and it is turned on about seven hours a day.   TV is the dominant US medium for news and entertainment.  And TV is an expensive business.  Media is playing great role in every society. It plays important role in setting agendas of public. We all are bombarded with so much information all the day. Electronic media, print media and social media are some common types of media.
In Pakistan, media is working freely and independently. In case of electronic media there are a number of channels are working including news, sports and entertainment channels. It is the responsibility of media to highlight those issues which are good for the public and discourage unethical factors of the society. Media should be very sensitive while presenting its country towards the world. Our media tells the world what exactly we are, what are our norms, values and culture. Being an Islamic country, our media should represent us in a good way towards the world.
The Western media is the mass media of the Western world. During the Cold War, it portrayed itself as a counterpoint to the monopolistic, state-owned media of the Soviet Union. The Western media has gradually expanded into developing countries, with significant news coverage focused on various alleged human rights issues in certain parts of Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe. In spite of its claimed openness, Western media has been demonstrated to contain biased material or coverage of certain countries or groups, usually aligning itself with staunch criticisms of those countries still independent of Western interests, and dismissing human rights abuses against nationalities by Western countries.

Social Media:
Being first to report breaking news has long been a key value for traditional media outlets. Though this may no longer hold the appeal it once had.
Following the disappearance of Malaysia Airways flight MH370 in March,NBC news also highlighted various false reports spreading on social media, which alleged that the plane had made a safe landing. False information spreads just like accurate information. Important work is being developed on the spread and circulation of online information, specifically academic and industry studies on virality. When it comes to verifying information online, journalism could be seen as a type of frontline service in dealing with false information online. 

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