Sunday 1 January 2017

Movie Review

My Best Friend’s Wedding

In the start I would like to tell the review of the story I am going to write and modify. The story is about a young girl who studied in a college. In the college she had a best friend but at that time she was not in love with the guy. She was a true sincere girl of her words. The friendship was so close that if they promise each other anything, she will make it.

One bright afternoon sitting together in the cafeteria after class, they were just discussing their future plans. They thought that if they are good friends and understand each other, then at a mature age they shall get married. So they decided to get marry only after education and in professional life, years after. They made promise to each other that if neither found a mate before they turned 28, they would marry each other.   

 So time passed away and now they are both professionals and mature to get married. But only three weeks are left for the deadline they decided for their marriage. So by a promise made years earlier at the college time, she is supposed to marry her best friend in three weeks, even though she doesn't want to. When she finds out that he's marrying someone else, she becomes jealous and tries to break off the wedding.  That’s the core idea of the story.

The girl name is Kate and boy’s is Ken. They both had feelings for each other in the first year itself, but they were too young to understand what they felt. But once they reached the degree class, things began to get serious.” At that time, her most memorable moment was on a Valentine’s Day, when Ken presented her with a card on which he had inscribed, ‘To My Wife’.

Ken impressed her on another occasion.One day, a classmate, Julia told Ken that there was a beautiful, fair, and slim girl in the science group, who was also a singer. Julia said, “This girl will be a good match for you. But Ken replied, I would like to get friendly only if I want to get married. I am not interested in a romance. 

When Kate came to know this story, it made her very happy. She realized he was not the flirty type.
One day, she left for the state capital, accompanied by her father. During the journey he gave her a musician’s magazine in which there was an article on upcoming singers. There was a photo and an article about Ken. She thought since my father knew that Ken was a classmate, he had given me the magazine. She read through it with joy but she also felt guilty because her parents did not know that she was in love with Ken.

 For Kate, what she likes about her boyfriend is his straight-forwardness. “He will not talk ill of anybody behind their back,” she says. “Ken is a loving and loyal person, although he does not express it. He has the same friends as that of her.” 

For Kate, the one drawback of Ken is that he can lose his temper. “It can be over the most basic of matters,” she says. “It cannot be predicted. She does get hurt at times. But she knows this happens because he is a sensitive person.” 

Kate is also sensitive when it comes to being in the spotlight. “I am a private person,” she says. “There are people who enjoy being known. That is not the case with me. I don’t like to go for public functions. This hesitation puts Ken into a problem. Because he has to go alone, while the others are accompanied by their Girlfriends.” 

On the rare occasions that she goes to witness a concert by her Boyfriend, she feels nervous. Ken is also like that.

 On the day of a performance, he is tense from the morning. He hardly eats anything, but once the show begins, after two or three songs, he begins to relax. That is the time she enjoys his singing.”

 Her favorite is the first film song Ken had sung: ‘My Love My Life’. Ken’s career took off. So, naturally, she liked that song the most.  

After the studies and during the years they stayed away, Ken established himself as a devotional and playback singer. And Kate was also busy in her professional life having many new friends and colleagues. She on and off realized that something is missing in her life and that was the company of Ken, his tremendous personality, strong support, fresh talks and ideas , sparkling days and much more. She finally came to know that she is badly in love with him when he left and she misses him time to time, moment by moment.

Then the story takes a turn immediately.

And finely balanced life of kate is upset when Ken calls Kate one day telling her about his to Kimmy, after only meeting her for a few weeks. Kate’s magnificent ego takes a fall and a beating, literally. She is completely disturbed, but she recovers fast, a little too fast.

She tells her friends that Ken is making a huge mistake, that the couple are not meant for each other and she is Ken's only true love. In other words, Jules convinces herself and us, that she is the deserver of Ken’s romance and true love. What a story, she tells her friends that Kimmy is not suitable for Ken. She puts her scheming plans in motion to break off the engagement. What a Kate Experience with a twist.

But the story gets better, because it gets a little ambiguous. Kate is confident, accomplished and sophisticated.

Kate is now against Kimmy . Some of the stuff she does are really so cheap, She is putting the blames of various kinds on Kimmy involving her friend Tom.

Poor Tom, played a really bad role to pull Kimmy down. Tom continued efforts at destroying the bonds of love between Ken and Kimmy. Everything is fair in love and war.But Kate is a failed girl. Her efforts are, at best, harmless and ineffective. She's constantly sucked by guilt, and she's as evil as Daffy Duck.

She meets Ken, and realizes that this girl really is perfect, not just to Tom. she continues on a campaign to turn Ken and Kimmy against each other. Tom joins her, and attempts to help her face the truth about what will make her feel good for the immediate moment and in the long term.

As the wedding date approaches, Kate becomes more desperate, but her attempts fail. However, just before the wedding, Ken gets a message that throws his relationship with Kimmy seriously into doubt and gives Kate her chance to share her true feelings with Ken.

That was the Kate’s lucky day. Ken also realized and told Kate that he was also feeling attraction towards her, but he was not expecting that the promise of a college may become true.

Finally Ken takes a hard decision and asks Kimmy to go to his boyfriend who was waiting for Kimmy to make Ken fool and bring Ken down from his professional musician level.

That was a plan against Ken. Because Ken was a star and Kimmy was about to break his heart, after marriage and fool him. All the plan revealed.

So the happy ending appeared and Ken launches his blockbuster Music in market and gains enormous fame while they get married also.  ☺

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